Thursday 27 September 2012

it's so hard to do well in school when i literally have no motivation and am tired 24/7. im going back to the doctors because it's getting ridiculous, i always hurt all over, having spinning headaches, am constantly tired and keep forgetting everything. it's got to be caused by something :(. i've now developed a shortness of breath as well, like i've been exercising all day when all i've done is sleep.

i want to be perfect and organised but half the time i feel like curling up into a ball and not speaking to anyone.

i also have awful mood swings, one minute im buzzing and the next minute im contemplating my life URHHH. most of the time its the latter. i have to force myself to be nice to people because if someone says the slightest thing that annoys me i want to shout at them and just throw stuff (a habit ive gotten into). it's so stupid and annoying and i've honestly forgotten what it's like to be normal

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