Monday 10 September 2012


okay so i haven't posted in ages.
i don't really have anything to say apart from i'm back at school, trying my hardest so far but i'm worried it wont be enough :(. sociology is very hard because i'm doing as+a2 together in one year and everyone has their knowledge from last year and i don't.
english literature is fine so far, and english language is easy as always. im NOT going to miss any lessons unless i have to. i've got an orthodontist appointment on wednesday i think which means i'll miss lessons them but oh well.
i get my elastics done which really really sucks cus it looks DISGUSTING and then i have a party on friday and i am so taking them out for that if i want to even get a look from this boy i kind of not really like (but he's attractive and we've got a history)
then i've got my best friends meal on sunday which will be fabulous because she's paying, so nice.
hopefully a party on sat too if i can get in though im not actually invited haha.
so yeah, should be a good weekend but i've got to really work hard this week so i 'deserve' it in a way.
also, i looked like elle woods today, or someone from mean girls.

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